Monday, December 7, 2009


Ate alot. Chit-chatted alot. <3


Popo using Collin's hair gel.

Mum and grandma.

Each for mum, dad, Sue-ann, Elaine and me.

Yum Yum.

Went for a walk around that area.

Sue-ann and dad.

Elaine and me. My new hair, ugly~

Popo sayang sayang them.

Julia and me xD

To choose between beer and 100plus.

Elaine, me and Julia.
I was squatting and the camera took seconds to capture.

Sue-ann, me and grandma.

Snap 1.

Snap 2.
I was sitting on her.
Her face looked so forced.

Snap 3.

Left over food.


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